paradise city

Terms and Conditions of Location-Based Service

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Location-Based Service Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “these Terms and Conditions”) is to stipulate the rights and obligations of Paradise Segasammy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Company”) and the personal locational information subject that has consented to these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “member”) and other necessary matters in the member’s use of location-based service (hereinafter “service”) provided by the Company.


Article 2 (Effect and Revision of These Terms and Conditions)

  • ① These Terms and Conditions come into effect when a customer applying for the service or a personal locational information subject consents to these Terms and Conditions and registers as a user of the service in accordance with the Company’s procedures.
  • ② If a member clicks the “Consent” button to these Terms and Conditions online, then it shall be deemed that the member has fully read and understood the contents of these Terms and Conditions and has consented to their application.
  • ③ If necessary to reflect changes in the location-based service, then the Company may revise these Terms and Conditions to the extent that such revisions do not violate relevant laws such as the Act on the Protection and Use of Locational Information, the Content Industry Promotion Act, the Act on Protection of Customers in E-Commerce, etc., the Framework Act on Consumers, and the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions.
  • ④ When revising these Terms and Conditions, the Company shall announce it on its website by specifying the effective date and reason for the revision between at least 30 days in advance and the day before the effective date. However, if the revision materially changes the members’ rights, then the Company shall notify members about the revision in an electronic form (email, SMS, etc.) in addition to the announcement on the website.
  • ⑤ If the Company gives notice in accordance with the preceding paragraph and a member does not express their rejection between the date of announcement/notice and 7 days after the effective date of the revision, the member is deemed to have approved the revised Terms and Conditions. If a member does not consent to the revision, then they may withdraw consent to these Terms and Conditions.


Article 3 (Rules Other Than These Terms and Conditions)

Matters not specified herein shall be subject to the relevant laws mentioned in Article 2, Paragraph 3 and the guidelines established by the Company.


Article 4 (Contents of Service, etc.)

  • ① The location-based service provided by the Company and the purpose and period of retaining personal locational information are as follows.
    Category Details Retention period
    Provision of functional information Locational information is collected upon registration of mobile check-in Destroyed instantly when the purpose of use is achieved.
    Notification of benefits Providing nearby event/benefit notification service based on current location (Provided only to customers having agreed to receive advertising messages on Paradise APP)
    Event information Providing product recommendation and event information service based on current location (Provided only to customers having agreed to provide locational information)
  • ② The Company automatically records and preserves the data confirming the use and provision of locational information in accordance with Article 16, Paragraph 2 of the Act on the Protection and Use of Locational Information, and stores such data for 6 months.
  • ③ When the purpose of the use or provision of personal locational information has been achieved, the Company immediately destroys the personal locational information, excluding the data confirming the use and provision of locational information. However, if there is a need to preserve it in accordance with relevant laws, then the information will be preserved in accordance with such laws.


Article 5 (Service Fees)

The locational information service provided by the Company is free. However, data communication fees for the use of wireless service are separate and are subject to the policy of each mobile service provider to which the member subscribes.


Article 6 (Change and Suspension of Service)

  • ① If location-based service cannot be maintained due to circumstances such as changes in policy or relevant laws, the Company may change, restrict, or suspend all or part of the location-based service.
  • ② Upon the change, restriction, or suspension of the service under the preceding paragraph, the Company will announce the reason and restriction period on the service website or notify the members in an electronic form (email, SMS, etc.).
  • ③ If it is unavoidable that posting and notification under the preceding paragraph cannot be made, then the Company may post and notify later.


Article 7 (Use or Provision of Personal Locational Information)

  • ① To provide the service by use of personal locational information, the Company will notify it herein and obtain consent from the member.
  • ② Without the member’s consent, the Company does not provide to (or “share with.” Hereinafter the same) a third party the personal locational information provided by the member, and when providing such information to a third party, the Company notifies the member of the recipients of information and the purpose of its provision and obtains his/her consent, in advance.
  • ③ When personal locational information is provided under Paragraph 2 to a third party designated by the member, the member is immediately notified each time of the recipient of information, date and time of provision, and purpose of provision (hereinafter “information provision details”) at the communication terminal equipment or email address where personal locational information was collected.
  • ④ However, in any of the following cases, notification will be made at the communication terminal equipment or email address designated explicitly by the member in advance.
    • 1. When the communication terminal equipment that collected personal locational information does not have the ability to receive text, voice, or video
    • 2. When a member requests, in advance, notification to a communication terminal equipment or email address other than the communication terminal equipment through which their personal locational information was collected
  • ⑤ Notwithstanding Paragraph 3, a member may choose to receive notification of information provision details every 30 days or every 30 times under Article 24 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Protection and Use of Locational Information. If requested by the member in accordance with the Company’s procedures, the method of immediate notification under the preceding paragraph may be adopted.
  • ⑥ When consenting under Paragraphs 1, 2, and 5, the member may withhold consent regarding the purpose of use/provision, the scope of recipients, and part of these Terms and Conditions and regarding the method of notification in the provision of member’s personal locational information to a third party.


Article 8 (Restrictions on Use or Provision of Personal Locational Information)

Except with the member’s consent or in any of the following cases, the Company cannot use or provide to a third party personal locational information or the data confirming the use and provision of locational information beyond the scope specified herein or notified.

  • 1. When the data confirming the use and provision of locational information is required for the settlement of fees for location-based service
  • 2. When the aforesaid information is processed and provided in a form that does not identify a specific individual for statistical, academic research, or market research purposes


Article 9 (Rights of Personal Locational Information Subjects)

  • ① A member may withdraw, against the Company in whole or in part at any time, their consent to the provision of location-based service using personal locational information and the provision of personal locational information to a third party. In this case, the Company destroys the personal locational information provided and the data confirming the use and provision of locational information. However, if part of the consent is withdrawn, then the destruction of personal locational information is limited to the part for which consent is withdrawn.
  • ② A member may request the Company at any time to temporarily suspend the use or provision of personal locational information, and the Company cannot refuse it and has technical means to do as requested.
  • ③ A member may make requests to the Company to inspect (view) or be notified of the following materials, and if there are errors in the materials, then the member may request corrections. In this case, the Company cannot refuse the member’s request without justifiable reasons.
    • 1. The data confirming the use and provision of locational information about the member themself
    • 2. The reason why the member’s personal locational information was provided to a third party pursuant to the Act on the Protection and Use of Locational Information or other laws and the content of such information.
  • ④ In order to exercise the rights under Paragraphs 1 through 3, a member may make a request to the Company using the contact information in Article 16 hereof.


Article 10 (Rights of Legal Representative)

  • ① In the case of a member under the age of 14, the Company obtains the consent of both the member and their legal representative regarding the provision of location-based service using personal locational information and the provision of personal locational information to a third party. In this case, the legal representative has all of the member’s rights under Article 9.
  • ② The Company checks whether the legal representative has consented to any of the following methods.
    • 1. Have the legal representative indicate, on the Internet site where the content of consent is posted, whether or not they consent, and notify the legal representative through a text message on the latter’s mobile phone that the locational information service provider, etc. has confirmed the indication of consent.
    • 2. Have the legal representative indicate, on the internet site where the content of consent is posted, whether or not they consent, and receive the legal representative’s card information (e.g., credit card, debit card, etc.)
    • 3. Have the legal representative indicate, on the internet site where the content of consent is posted, whether or not they consent, and confirm identity through the legal representative’s mobile phone-based identity authentication, etc.
    • 4. Issue a document containing the content of consent directly to the legal representative or deliver it via mail or fax, and have the legal representative sign to signify their consent and submit it.
    • 5. Send an email containing the content of consent and receive an email containing an expression of consent from the legal representative
    • 6. Inform the legal representative on the content of consent over the phone and obtain their consent, or provide information on how to check the content of consent (Internet address, etc.) and obtain their consent through a follow-up phone call.
    • 7. Otherwise, notify the legal representative of the content of consent in a manner similar to the methods under Subparagraphs 1 through 6 and check the expression of consent.
  • ③ When consenting to the collection, use, and provision of personal locational information of children under the age of 14, the legal representative may exercise the right to withhold consent, withdraw consent, temporarily suspend, and request inspection (viewing) and notification.


Article 11 (Rights of Guardians of Children Under the Age of 8, etc.)

  • ① If a person responsible for protecting another person falling under the following (hereinafter “children under the age of 8, etc.”) consents to the use or provision of the latter’s personal locational information for the purpose of protecting the life or body of a child under the age of 8, etc., then it shall be deemed by the Company that the protected person has given consent.
    • 1. Children under the age of 8
    • 2. Adults under guardianship
    • 3. A person with a mental disability under Article 2, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 2 of the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities Act and a severely disabled person under Article 2, Subparagraph 2 of the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation Act for Persons with Disabilities (Limited to persons registered as disabled under Article 32 of the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities Act)
  • ② To consent to the use or provision of personal locational information for the purpose of protecting the life or body of a child under the age of 8, etc., a person with a duty of protection shall submit a written consent to the Company as attached by a document certifying that they have the duty of protection.
  • ③ When consenting to the use or provision of personal locational information of children under the age of 8, etc., the guardian may exercise member’s rights under Article 9 in entirety.


Article 12 (Damages)

If a member incurs damages due to the Company’s actions in violation of Articles 15 through 26 of the Act on the Protection and Use of Locational Information, then the member may file a claim for damages against the Company.


Article 13 (Disclaimer)

  • ① If the service cannot be provided due to any of the following, the Company shall not be liable for damages of the member caused thereby.
    • 1. In the event of a natural disaster or a force majeure event equivalent thereto.
    • 2. In the event of an intentional service interruption by a third party who entered into a service partnership agreement with the Company to provide the service
    • 3. In the event of a problem in using the service due to the member’s fault.
    • 4. In the event that there otherwise is no intent or negligence on the part of the Company.


Article 14 (Dispute Resolution)

  • ① If the parties do not or cannot reach an agreement on a dispute related to locational information, then the Company may file a motion for ruling with the Korea Communications Commission under Article 28 of the Act on the Protection and Use of Locational Information.
  • ② If the parties do not or cannot reach an agreement on a dispute related to locational information, then the Company or the member may file a motion for mediation with the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee under Article 43 of the Personal Information Protection Act.


Article 15 (Governing Law)

These Terms and Conditions of Service are governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea.


Article 16 (Information on the Company and Chief Locational Information Officer)

  • ① The Company’s name, address, phone number, and other contact information are as follows.
    • 1. Company name : Paradise Segasammy Co., Ltd.
    • 2. Address : 86, Yeongjonghaeannam-ro 321beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea
    • 3. Main phone number : 1833-8855
  • ② The Company has designated its chief locational information officer as follows and is working to protect the rights of personal locational information subjects, including handling of complaints arising from user’s use of the service.
    • 1. Position : Senior Executive Director
    • 2. Name : Lim Jun-shin
    • 3. Email address :




Article 1 (Effective Date) These Terms and Conditions shall become effective on 07/23/2024.